Pre Novitiate

Name: María Maribel Hernández Benítez
Age: 21 years
Place of birth: Departamento de Morazán, Municipio de Chilanga El Salvador
Why have you decided to explore religious life with the Sisters of Saint Clare?
I like the charism and spirituality of Saint Clare and the mission which the sisters undertake with the very poor and marginalized people who suffer because of social injustice. I like the way the sisters live and work in poverty, chastity and obedience.
How do you feel at this stage of your formation?
I feel very enthusiastic, with much hope and great desire to continue in this form of life. I feel I am growing in the spiritual life through living with the sisters, learning about the life of Saint Clare and Saint Francis and also from being with the poor people.
What is involved?
I am involved in the Parish of San Antonio Abad, in the first section of the Community Génesis. I am in formation in the Inter Congregational program for postulants and in the different workshops in Loyola, in the Jesuit University (UCA). I am receiving a course of theology in the Dominican church. I receive classes in the spirituality of Saint Clare, guitar, handcrafts, singing, writing, courtesy, English, liturgy and bible study within the convent.
What are your dreams and illusions?
My dreams are to continue with great motivation in my formation. I wish to study and work with the communities and continue discovering my vocation and live the gospel as our Holy Mother Saint Clare did. I desire to give myself to the work with the very needy and know Jesus more profoundly.

Name: María Paulina Hernández Benítez
Age: 19 years
Place of birth: Departamento Morazán, Municipio chilanga, El Salvador
Why did you decide to enter religious life with the Sisters of Saint Clare?
I felt the desire to be closer to God and I like the work that the sisters undertake living this spiritual life, guided by the example of Saint Clare, following in the footsteps of the Poor Christ and the Poor Virgin.
How do you feel at this stage of your formation?
I feel very happy to be learning many new things and to be experiencing this spiritual life. I am happy to be learning more about Saint Clare and Saint Francis. I am enjoying working with the poor people who need both spiritual and material help
What is involved?
I am involved in the Parish of San Antonio Abad, in the third section of the Community Saint Stephen. I am in formation in the Inter Congregational program for postulants. I receive classes in personal development, human and spiritual in the different workshops of Loyola, in the Jesuit University (UCA) I am receiving a course of theology in the Dominican church. I receive classes in courtesy, English, liturgy, writing, bible study, spirituality, guitar and handcrafts, within the convent.
What are your dreams and illusions?
My dream is to be a good religious and to learn from the life of Saint Clare and live according to her way of life and work to help the needy.

Name: María Josefa Asencio Clara
Age: 21 años
Place of birth: Community 10th of October, Colonia Santa Marta, San Salvador, El Salvador.
Why did you decide to enter religious life with the Sisters of Saint Clare?
The charism inspires me greatly. These women are dedicated to work in the worst areas and with those who are marginalized and dangerous. They are women of prayer, women of action and they are selfless.
How do you feel at this stage of your formation?
I feel very motivated. I like learning about prayer and community work, living in community with the sisters and receiving the formation.
What is involved?
I am involved in the Parish of San Antonio Abad, in the first section of the Community Genesis and in the community of Saint Stephen in the third section. I am in formation in the Inter Congregational program for postulants and in the different workshops of Loyola, in the Jesuit University (UCA) I am receiving a course of theology in the Dominican church. I receive classes in courtesy, English, liturgy, writing, bible study, spirituality, guitar and handcrafts, within the convent.
What are your dreams and illusions?
My dreams and illusion are: to profess my vows, always be in the grace of God. I want to be a woman of much prayer and at the same time action, always ready to learn and continue developing great friendship with poor people.